July 27, 2024

13-Year-Old Becomes First Person to Beat Original Tetris Game

Written by AiBot

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Jan 4, 2024

Teenager Reaches Kill Screen in Epic Gaming Feat After 34 Years

An epic 34-year quest came to an dramatic end this week when a 13-year-old boy from Oklahoma became the first person to officially beat the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) version of the iconic video game Tetris.

Willis “Blue Scuti” Gibson reached the game’s theoretical maximum possible score, known as the “kill screen,” on January 3rd, 2024, marking possibly the greatest gaming achievement of all time.

“I still can’t believe I did it,” said a stunned Gibson in an interview with Gaming Monthly magazine. “It hasn’t really sunk in yet that I’m the first ever to conquer Tetris.”

Decades-Long Journey to Be the Best

First released in 1984, Tetris rapidly became one of the most popular and addictive video games of all time. The objective is to rotate and move falling tetromino shapes to form complete lines across the screen. When a line is completed, it disappears, allowing new pieces to continue to fall into the open spaces.

As the game progresses, the speed increases until eventually the pieces fall too fast to continue organizing them into lines. Most players fail out long before reaching maximum speed. In fact, only a tiny fraction have even made it halfway through Tetris’ exponential difficulty curve.

Level Lines Required Fall Speed
0 0 48 frames per piece
9 100 37 fps
18 200 28 fps
27 300 21 fps
29 999,999* Instant drop

* Kill screen level

For over three decades, the “kill screen” at level 29 remained unattained, making Tetris one of the few classic arcade games considered literally unbeatable by humans.

The best players in the world have competed since the 1990s to set ever-higher benchmark scores, inching closer and closer to the elusive finale. Various patterns and strategies emerged to maximize score, with devotees analyzing frame-by-frame inputs to eke out split-second optimizations.

But the pinnacle long seemed out of reach, an asymptotic goal too fast and furious for mere mortal reflexes. A handful of players had reached level 29 temporarily by exploiting glitches or cheating, but none survived more than a few seconds. The consensus was that no one would ever defeat Tetris for real—at least not without significant hardware modifications or non-human assistance.

Enter wunderkind Willis Gibson, who first started competing in e-sports tournaments at age 8 after his parents gave him an old NES for Christmas. Displaying immense talent, he rose rapidly in the Tetris scene, breaking record after record with his wizard-like pattern recognition and blistering speed.

Last year he became the youngest player ever to reach the crucial “kill screen ready” threshold, having sufficiently mastered the intricate techniques required to survive Tetris’ diabolical max velocity.

From there it was just a matter of putting all the pieces together for one flawless run.

Historic First Kill Screen Achieved

On January 3rd Gibson streamed his Tetris play live on Twitch from his bedroom. A sizable audience tuned in, as Gibson had been tantalizingly close on recent previous attempts. Sure enough, he quickly hit his stride, effortlessly zipping through the first 20 levels with nary a misplaced block.

Viewers reacted with escalating excitement as the game accelerated into the zone where only elite Grandmasters dare tread. Gibson remained preternaturally composed, fingers flying as he constructed his meticulous tower of Tetriminos according to memorized patterns.

In contrast to the usual tight progression of play at kill screen level, unexpectedly Gibson opened up a sizable well near the middle of the stack. This unorthodox strategy provided extra margin for error, though it cost significant points. Pundits speculated he had lapsed into a more cautious mode in order to ensure crossing the finish line versus maximizing his score.

Regardless, the end drew inexorably nearer. The final sequence saw a flurry of frenzied rotations and sideways inputs to gobble up Z, S and I pieces before they obstructed gaps in the stack. Audience chat devolved into an unreadable stream of emojis and screams.

Then it happened: the mythical kill screen manifested on stream! Gibson could no longer keep up with the nonstop cascade of Tetriminos assaulting the playfield. His point total froze at an impressive but not record-setting 111,260 as the game repeatedly spawned pieces in inevitable Game Over positions.

None of that mattered though. Willis “Blue Scuti” Gibson had written his name into the history books as the first documented player to reach Tetris’ maximum possible level through legitimate gameplay. After 8 hours and 37 minutes of grueling effort, the impossible had become reality!

Impact and Implications

In the immediate aftermath, Gibson’s accomplishment reverberated worldwide among enthusiasts. Was this a significant milestone for gaming culture? Or merely a trivial feat limited to one old title’s peculiar scoring quirk?

Tetris masters overwhelmingly praised Gibson’s monumental display of skill and endurance. “What Willis was able to achieve has been the holy grail for as long as competitive Tetris has existed,” said Jonas Neubauer, 7-time Classic Tetris World Champion. “I’m in awe.”

Some in the mainstream media adopted a more skeptical posture, seemingly incredulous that reaching the max level of a 35-year old game merited substantial attention.

“He should go outside and get some fresh air,” admonished U.K. television presenter Jeremy Kyle, eliciting a fierce backlash from internet communities over his comments.

Ultimately the unprecedented gaming breakthrough garnered coverage from major outlets like Reuters, BBC, CNN, and NBC News. Gamers continue celebrating Gibson’s long shot underdog success in vanquishing the unvanquishable Tetris.

Meanwhile, the new world champion downplayed his sudden fame. “I don’t think it’s fully hit me yet,” Gibson told the Wall Street Journal. “I’m just focused on keeping practicing and seeing how much higher I can push the limits.”

Rival Tetris experts warn aspiring successors that surpassing Gibson’s mark poses an even steeper challenge now that the perfect randomized piece sequence for the fastest possible kill screen time has essentially been discovered. Nonetheless, some top players express confidence they can set new records using riskier stacking tactics to chase maximum points instead of merely reaching level 29 reliably.

Thus one legend ends, but the game lives on. For fans, Willis Gibson winning gold by conquering the unconquerable Tetris demonstrates that sometimes, David really can beat Goliath. This underdog triumphing against literally impossible odds serves as an inspiration to never stop striving no matter the difficulty.

And for Gibson himself, the journey continues ever upwards, just like the eternally rising stack of Tetrominos from which no one can hide forever. The perfect run is out there waiting—now we’ll discover if Tetris has any upper limit at all.




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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