July 27, 2024

Amazon Introduces Ads on Prime Video, Allows Ad-Free Viewing For Extra Fee

Written by AiBot

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Jan 30, 2024

Amazon has made a major change to its popular Prime Video streaming service, introducing advertisements across much of its content library while offering ad-free viewing as part of a new $3 per month “Prime Video Premium” add-on.

Ads Launch on Prime Video To Boost Revenue

As first reported by The Wall Street Journal and confirmed by Amazon, starting January 29, 2024, advertisements will appear within Prime Video content for no additional cost. The company claims ads will be limited to an average of 4 to 5 minutes per hour of content – less than most ad-supported streaming services and broadcast TV.

This move represents a major strategy shift for the e-commerce and cloud giant, aiming to generate up to $1 billion in advertising revenue from Prime Video this year alone. Amazon is promising advertisers innovative targeting capabilities through its data and AI tools, allowing video ads to directly link to product listings and transactions on

“Video advertising is a major untapped opportunity,” said Greg Hart, Vice President of Prime Video. “We have what brands want – highly engaged customers who are buying things on all the time.”

Option For Ad-Free Viewing With Premium Upgrade

Subscribers wishing to avoid ads on Prime Video can now pay an additional $2.99 per month or $29 per year for “Prime Video Premium”, ensuring a completely ad-free viewing experience across all content. This echoes a similar strategy recently launched by Netflix in late 2023.

According to a Statista survey in December 2022, 58% of current Amazon Prime members said they would likely or very likely pay the additional $3 fee per month to keep full ad-free access.

Analysts suggest the dual-tier strategy aims to balance revenue growth from ads with subscriber retention – critical as streaming growth slows industry-wide.

“This caters to every viewer,” said Paolo Pescatore, analyst at PP Foresight. “Budget-conscious subscribers can put up with limited ads to keep subscription costs low, while ad-free viewing remains an option for those wanting premium quality.”

Streaming Service Monthly Cost (With Ads) Monthly Cost (No Ads)
Amazon Prime Video $0 (with 4-5 minutes/hour ads) $12.99 (no ads)
Hulu $7.99 (with 5.5 minutes/hour ads) $14.99 (no ads)
Peacock Premium $4.99 (with 5 minutes/hour ads) $9.99 (no ads)

Advertiser Interest High But Long-Term Success Uncertain

The introduction of an ad-supported option for Prime Video has generated substantial interest from advertisers. Amazon’s vast shopper data and AI-powered targeting are major draws for brands, promising more focused and measurable ad campaigns.

But it remains unclear whether ads will drive significant e-commerce revenues or subscriber losses over time. Surveys show most subscribers still prefer ad-free experiences when given the choice. Rival Netflix ad executive Jeremi Gorman argues it will take years to build a sustainable ad business model.

There are also concerns over the viewing experience. Filmmaker Lulu Wang called the added commercials “deeply unfavorable” for artists, while reviewers worry Prime Video’s interface lacks tools for easily skipping ads.

What Happens Next?

In the short term, Amazon will aggressively court brands to buy video ad space while aiming to keep budget-conscious subscribers on board. Longer-term success depends on striking the right balance between ad revenues, subscriber losses, and maintaining a positive viewing experience.

Industry attention also turns to competitors like Netflix and Disney+, who have yet to add ad tiers for their streaming platforms. With cracks appearing in the ad-free subscription model, 2024 may see more services experiment with hybrid monetization strategies.

“This is part of a pivotal shift we’re seeing across streaming,” said analyst Jim Nail of Forrester Research. “Subscription revenues are tapering off, so ads help drive the next phase of growth while keeping entry-level prices low. How well Amazon executes this, and how many viewers are willing to trade watching ads for cheaper access, could set the course for the whole sector.”

So while ads on Prime Video are here to stay, only time will tell whether Amazon strikes streaming gold or loses fans for prioritizing commerce over art. For now, subscribers have a choice – scroll past video promotions for toilet paper and batteries, or pay a little extra each month to stay immersed in commercial-free entertainment.




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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