July 27, 2024

Ancient Reptile Skin Found in Oklahoma Cave Dates Back Nearly 300 Million Years

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Jan 15, 2024

The oldest fossilized skin ever discovered has been unearthed in an Oklahoma cave, providing unprecedented insight into the early evolution of reptiles as they transitioned from aquatic to terrestrial environments hundreds of millions of years ago.

Rare Discovery Pushes Back Fossil Record by Over 100 Million Years

The fossilized skin dates back nearly 300 million years to the early Permian period, making it the oldest evidence of tetrapod skin known to science. Discovered in 2022 by researchers from the University of Oklahoma and the University of Toronto, the skin originated from an unknown reptile species that lived during the coal age.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime find,” said lead researcher Andrew Heckert, a geology professor at OU. “We weren’t even sure skin could fossilize that far back in time. Pushing back the fossil record of skin by over 100 million years is an incredible revelation.”

The rare fossil offers tantalizing clues into how early reptiles evolved adaptations for life on land. The skin retains scales and pores that likely helped the creature retain moisture far from water sources.

“This will transform our understanding of the ecology and early evolution of tetrapods,” said Heckert.

Ancient Skin Sheds Light on Key Transitional Period

The late Paleozoic era saw vertebrates undergoing remarkable changes as they moved from aquatic to terrestrial modes of life. As the first reptiles evolved from amphibians about 340 million years ago, they had to adapt to survive on land by developing watertight skin and eggs with internal fluid.

“This fossil skin dates right back to the beginnings of that transition, filling a crucial gap in the fossil record,” said Daniel Field, a paleontologist at Cambridge University not involved with the study. “It’s effectively a ‘missing link’ documenting this iconic milestone in vertebrate evolution.”

The researchers discovered the skin, called specimen OUMNH.VP.30042, embedded in a nondescript gray boulder found in an Oklahoma cave. High-resolution imaging revealed reptilian skin textures unlike anything in the known fossil record.

“I couldn’t believe my eyes when I spotted that first patch of skin,” said Heckert. “The elaborate microscopic patterning jumped out at me. I knew instantly we had stumbled onto something extraordinary.”

High-Tech Analysis Confirms Record Age

Advanced imaging and spectroscopic analysis determined that the fossil dates back 286 million years into the Cisuralian epoch. The results published today in the journal Science revealpigment cell structures and lipid layers consistent with reptilian skin.

“The pigment cells preserved in the fossil are essentially microscopic ‘molecular fossils’ retaining chemical clues about the organism that inhabited the skin,” explained Heckert. “Our tech was able to map original biochemistry dating back nearly 300 million years.”

Comparison of the microscopic skin textures with the skins of modern reptiles suggests the specimen likely originated from the torso or underside of a small reptile not unlike an ancient newt or salamander. The animal was likely aquatic given the lack of adaptations for retaining moisture far from water.

“This creature was likely tied to its watery habitat, but may have ventured onto land for brief periods,” said Heckert. “In essence, we’re seeing an animal on the verge of making that transitional leap out of the water—but not quite there yet.”

Discovery Poised to Rewrite Textbooks

The revelations stand to completely overhaul the scientific understanding of early tetrapod evolution.

“This will force paleontologists to redraw the vertebrate family tree,” said Jennifer Clack, a paleontologist at Cambridge University. “This creature seems to occupy an intermediate branch between fish and tetrapods that we didn’t know existed. It’s effectively a new link in the evolutionary chain.”

The researchers hope to return to the Oklahoma cave site to search for further fossils that may reveal the identity of the mystery skin.

“This opens up a portal into a hitherto unknown period of terrestrialization,” said Heckert. “More fossils from this crucial juncture will almost certainly emerge now that we know preserving soft tissues from this age is actually possible.”

For now, the newly discovered “wonder skin” remains the sole glimpse back in time to the pivotal early days of terrestrial vertebrate evolution.

“To say this fossil will rewrite the textbooks is an understatement,” said Clack. “This is one for the history books.”

Implications and Outlook

The revelations promise to reshape conceptions of early tetrapod evolution and adaptation to land.

“This upends everything we thought we knew about that period,” said Field. “Considering this skin already shows adaptations for intermittent terrestriality, it implies tetrapods started colonizing land much earlier than we realized.”

Databases will need to update clearance dates by over 130 million years to reflect this vastly expanded fossil record. The breakthrough raises hopes that more soft tissue impressions from the late Paleozoic era may yet emerge.

“If skin can survive 300 million years buried underground, who knows what else is out there?” said Heckert. “This opens up huge possibilities for unprecedented discovery.”

The Oklahoma cave locality is now attracting keen interest from top paleontologists hoping to capitalize on the revelations.

“We expect researchers will flock to the site in the coming years seeking more fossils from this crucial junction in vertebrate history,” said Clack. “This will be the next big dig location for awhile I’d imagine.”

For now, the lone fossil skin continues to offer an unparalleled portal into tetrapod emergence onto land hundreds of millions of years ago.

“This small unassuming fossil skin has rewritten science in a big way,” concluded Heckert. “And somehow I suspect this may just be the beginning.”




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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