Chaotic Scene Unfolds in Family’s Backyard
A chaotic scene unfolded in the backyard of a family home on Australia’s Sunshine Coast when a large carpet python attacked the family’s pet guinea pig. 12-year-old Rosie Wightman sprang into action to save her beloved guinea pig Maxibon from the snake’s tightening grip. Surveillance camera footage captured the incredible rescue, showing Rosie grabbing the snake by the tail and swinging it around in circles to dislodge it from Maxibon.
The video is gripping and intense, with young Rosie wielding the snake with impressive strength and determination. Her quick thinking and brave actions freed Maxibon from the snake’s jaws. The footage spread quickly online, with many hailing Rosie a hero for saving her pet.
Guinea Pig Targeted While Children Played
The incident occurred last Tuesday while Rosie was playing outside with her young cousins. They suddenly noticed the large carpet python in the bushes attacking Maxibon. As her cousins screamed, Rosie raced into action, later saying she acted on instinct to save her pet guinea pig who was like part of the family.
“Maxibon is very special to me because he was my first ever guinea pig,” Rosie told local media. “I got him for my birthday when I turned 11.”
Rosie explained she would have deeply regretted not doing everything she could to save her beloved pet.
Girl Overpowers Snake to Free Guinea Pig
The video shows Rosie sprint to grab the python by the tail just below its head as it latches onto Maxibon in the bushes. She then starts swinging the heavy snake in wide fast circles like a lasso. The centrifugal forces acting on the snake cause it to eventually release its grip on Maxibon.
“I grabbed him from behind his head because that’s the safest option,” Rosie told media about how she handled the python.
Her quick reflexes and confident handling of the snake have been praised by snake experts as avoiding potential serious bites.
Rosie Wightman swinging the carpet python that attacked her guinea pig. (Video frame grab)
Rosie swung the snake in increasingly wide circles as her father noticed the commotion and raced over shouting at her to stop. But Rosie persisted swinging the snake until finally it released Maxibon, who then safely scurried away.
Concerns Over Python Attacks on Pets
Carpet pythons are a common species in Eastern Australia and usually non-venomous, though they can inflict serious bites. Python attacks on family pets are an ongoing issue in Queensland backyards. A local snake catcher said over 1000 pythons had been removed from the Sunshine Coast area last year.
“This issue is only getting worse each year as habitats are destroyed pythons are moving into suburbia,” said the snake catcher.
There are concerns attacks could become more frequent as native python populations may grow accustomed to targeting backyard pets as easy prey. Several snake experts advised against directly interacting with the snakes and said the best approach is to contact professional snake rescuers.
Data shows a steep rise in python removals from the Sunshine Coast area over recent years indicating increased interactions with residential areas.
Family Defends Girl’s Quick Actions
While Rosie has been praised online for her bravery and quick thinking, some critics suggested she shouldn’t have directly engaged with the dangerous snake. However, her family has defended her spur-of-the-moment actions to save her beloved pet.
“I’m proud of her for doing the right thing,” said her father Kip Wightman. “She literally risked her own life and safety to save her guinea pig, Maxibon.”
He explained Rosie has grown up around animals and feels a strong connection to them. Her instincts kicked in to save her pet.
What Next for Unlikely Hero Rosie?
For now, Rosie is just happy to have her guinea pig Maxibon back safely. The family has installed mesh screens around their garden to prevent future python incursions. Rosie’s incredible rescue has gained her international attention, but she remains humble.
“I’m just happy Maxibon is still with us,” she told media.
There are calls for Rosie to receive an official commendation for her brave actions. A local children’s wildlife charity has also offered Rosie the chance to speak to kids about safely interacting with native wildlife. For this brave girl who simply acted to save her beloved pet, more adventures may still lie ahead.
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