July 27, 2024

David Foster’s Daughter Defends Him Against Claims He Abandoned His Older Children

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Jan 9, 2024

David Foster’s daughter Amy Foster has come to her father’s defense on social media after a fan accused the music producer of abandoning his older daughters following the birth of his son Rennie. Amy slammed the accusations as “hurtful and wrong.”

Backlash Over David Foster’s New Family Dynamic

David Foster, a famous music producer, married singer and actress Katharine McPhee in 2019. In 2021, the couple had a son named Rennie. David was already a father to 5 grown daughters from previous relationships – Allison, Amy, Sara, Erin, and Jordan.

After Rennie’s birth, some fans noticed that David was posting more photos of his new wife and son than his older daughters. One fan even left a comment accusing the 73-year-old of abandoning his adult daughters in favor of his new 2-year-old son.

This led David’s second eldest daughter, writer/producer Amy Foster, to defend her father from the public criticism.

Amy Foster Sets the Record Straight

On January 7th, Amy took to Instagram to refute the accusations in a post, writing:

“For people who know our family, they know how hurtful and wrong this is. Shocking that someone would have the audacity to write something so blatantly untrue.”

She went on to call Rennie an “incredible joy” and said her sisters have embraced their new brother.

In an interview with People magazine shortly after, David also rebutted the parenting accusations:

“[My daughters] love Rennie and they’re all coming to the party on Saturday! Allison is helping throw it with Katharine.”

Mixed Reactions from Fans

Fans of the famous music producer had mixed reactions to Amy’s defense of her father. Some applauded her for standing up to unfair accusations:

“Good for her, setting the record straight.”

“Completely agree people should keep their unsolicited opinions to themselves.”

However, others felt the backlash was understandable given David’s documented absence as a father in past decades and his focus on new wife Katharine McPhee’s singing career:

“He seems to focus all his energy on his new wife and her singing career though – I can understand why the other daughters would feel abandoned.”

“Actions speak louder than words. He can say his daughters have embraced their new brother but where is the proof?”

Still, some fans urged compassion:

“I think there are legitimate gripes but social media attacks on someone’s family are cruel. This situation calls for empathy on all sides.”

How David Foster’s Own Daughters Feel

While fans debate online, ultimately how do David Foster’s daughters themselves feel about his parenting?

In a 2019 interview with People magazine, Erin Foster spoke very highly of Katherine McPhee’s positive impact on her father:

“Our dad is happy with her. We’ve never seen him like this.”

And in 2022, daughter Sara Foster told E! News that David was actually far more present as a father after remarrying than when they were children:

“Our father is our father. He’s been a great provider for us, and he’s been very present.”

What Does David Foster Say?

David Foster himself has acknowledged he was not the most involved father when his daughters were young. In an interview with People magazine in 2018, he explained:

“I was so busy back then. I was working day and night, I was obsessed with being a success…I love my daughters dearly, but I know that I lost control of that a long time ago. I’ve been on and off with them throughout their lives.”

David said spending time with his young daughters “wasn’t his thing” at the time, but he always provided for them financially. He has clearly made an effort to rebuild those relationships in their adulthood.

Accusations Unlikely to Stop New Family Focus

While Amy and David refute accusations he has abandoned his adult children, David’s Instagram page does suggest his current focus is on his toddler son Rennie and promoting wife Katharine McPhee’s singing career.

Recent Instagram posts from the last 6 months show David with Katharine and Rennie enjoying family activities like apple picking, days at the beach, and tropical getaways. There are almost no photos with his grown daughters.

So while the family maintains all is well, fans shouldn’t expect David’s social media feed to shift focus from his wife and toddler son anytime soon.

The Blended Family Balancing Act

Blended families with children from past relationships face unique challenges. With spouses at very different life stages – musician David Foster already a grandfather in his 70s while wife Katharine McPhee has a toddler still in diapers – balancing everyone’s needs is hard.

There can be jealousy from older children who remember an absent father now seemingly obsessed with a new son. And guilt from fathers recognizing mistakes from the past they cannot undo.

Add in the complex dynamics of step-parenting teenagers and adult children while also raising a young child, and tensions are inevitable.

Well-known psychologist Carl Pickhardt outlines key issues step-parents contend with:

Challenge Description
Discipline Stepparents walk a fine line between being too strict vs being a pushover
Relationship Changes The birth parent’s bond with children shifting to share love with a new spouse
Role Confusion Who is ultimately in charge and responsible? Birth parent or stepparent?

The Foster family dynamic seems to exemplify many of these common blended family struggles.

What Happens Next?

While Amy Foster rushing to defend her father on Instagram indicates she still feels a strong connection, only time will tell how genuine the relationships are between David and his adult daughters.

If the family ties remain intact, perhaps fans could see the blended family coming together more publicly, whether in photos, joint interviews, or even a family podcast. This could help mitigate feelings that David has “moved on” from his older children.

David also has an opportunity to use his immense music industry connections to help boost his daughters’ careers. Several are actresses and singers themselves. David guiding them more actively could demonstrate his commitment.

And if David’s own words are an indicator – vowing his daughters feel included and “are all coming to the party” for toddler Rennie this weekend – there seems to still be familial affection present.

Perhaps David won’t be winning “#1 Dad” awards from fans anytime soon given his notorious absence earlier in fatherhood. But hearing Amy Foster passionately defending her 73-year-old father today indicates that, at least for now, there is still warmth and love binding this blended entertainment family.




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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