July 27, 2024

DNA Test Confirms Adopted Woman Natalia Grace’s Real Age After Years of Dispute

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Jan 4, 2024

Natalia Grace, a Ukrainian orphan at the center of a bizarre adoption case, has finally gotten clarity on her true age after years of dispute. A DNA test confirms that Natalia is an adult woman in her mid-30s, despite being adopted in the US as a young child years ago.

Background on Natalia’s Adoption and Age Disputes

Natalia was adopted from Ukraine in 2010 by Kristine and Michael Barnett when she was presumed to be a 6-year-old girl with a rare form of dwarfism that causes aging problems. However, her new parents soon began questioning whether Natalia was actually an adult pretending to be a child based on her behavior and physical attributes.

The Barnetts legally changed Natalia’s age in 2012 to 22 before leaving her behind when they moved to Canada. They claimed Natalia had made death threats and displayed disturbing behavior. Natalia meanwhile maintains she is the victim of age discrimination due to her condition. Authorities initially charged the Barnetts with neglect in 2019 for abandoning a child.

Date Key Event
2010 The Barnetts adopt Natalia, presumed age 6
2012 Barnetts legally change Natalia’s age to 22
2013 Barnetts move to Canada, leave Natalia behind
2019 Authorities charge Barnetts with neglect

DNA Results Validate Natalia is Approximately 34 Years Old

This enduring mystery over Natalia’s real age has now been resolved through the latest DNA testing. Genetic analysis confirms that Natalia Grace is not a minor child, but rather an adult woman approximately 34 years old.

The DNA evidence corroborates the claims made years ago by her adoptive parents Kristine and Michael Barnett, who alleged that Natalia misrepresented herself as a young orphan when seeking adoption.

“Science has proven what we knew, that Natalia was definitely not a child,” Kristine Barnett stated upon hearing the DNA results. “She fooled our family and many professionals for years.”

Natalia Maintains She Is the Victim of Discrimination

Despite the damning DNA evidence of her age, Natalia Grace maintains that she has been telling the truth and was in fact adopted as a young Ukrainian girl with real medical conditions.

In an exclusive new TV interview for the docuseries Natalia Speaks, Natalia confronted her adoptive father Michael Barnett about why he changed her age and abandoned her years ago. An emotional Natalia insisted she is the victim of discrimination due to her condition, not an adult perpetrating fraud.

“You say I tricked you, that I was an adult pretending to be a kid? Do you think I’m an idiot to let you adopt me then try to kill you? None of what you and Kristine said about me is true,” Natalia told Michael Barnett. “You dumped a small sick child to get rid of all your problems.”

What Comes Next for Natalia and the Barnetts

The latest DNA proofs create further complications in this already convoluted case. It is unclear if authorities will pursue new charges now that Natalia has been confirmed as an adult.

Natalia continues to deny she deceived the Barnetts and says she may file defamation and discrimination suits against them. The Barnetts, who have touted their gifted child prodigy son over the years, seem eager to move on while indicating Natalia should “take responsibility” for her actions.

This painful saga involving an orphan with supposed “aging disease,” the hopeful parents who adopted her, and damaging allegations on all sides, appears far from over even after years in the spotlight. The DNA may provide definitive evidence on Natalia’s age, but significant unanswered questions persist.

In summary, this twisting tale features:

  • An adopted Ukrainian girl named Natalia Grace
  • Disputes over Natalia’s real age spanning years
  • Neglect charges against adoptive parents the Barnetts
  • New DNA testing proves Natalia is approximately 34
  • Natalia denies any deception about her age
  • Unclear what legal consequences may follow

The public fascination and debate around Natalia’s story continues as more shocking details emerge. Only time will tell what the next chapter may reveal in this curious case.




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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