July 27, 2024

Egyptian Forces Thwart Smuggling Attempt Along Border with Israel

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Jan 16, 2024

Israeli and Egyptian forces exchanged fire late Sunday night along the Sinai border after Egyptian security forces confronted a group of armed smugglers attempting to transport drugs from Egypt into Israel. The clash left one Israeli soldier lightly wounded, while six suspected smugglers were arrested by Egyptian authorities.

Border Clash Near Nitzana Crossing

According to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the incident occurred around 9 pm Sunday when IDF lookouts spotted around 20 armed suspects approaching the border fence near the Nitzana border crossing between Israel and Egypt. Initial reports say the suspects opened fire towards the Israeli side, prompting IDF troops to return fire.

“IDF soldiers thwarted an attempt to smuggle drugs from Egypt into Israeli territory earlier this evening,” the IDF said in a statement. “The force opened fire at the suspects when one of them shot at them. Hits were identified. There were no casualties to our forces.”

During the clash, an IDF officer sustained a light shrapnel wound to her leg. She received medical treatment at the scene. Meanwhile, IDF troops continued firing towards the suspects on the Egyptian side, reporting “hits” among the group. It remains unclear how many may have been injured or killed in the exchange.

6 Smugglers Arrested by Egypt

As the clash unfolded along the border, Egyptian security forces moved to confront the armed group from inside Sinai. According to Egyptian sources, security personnel arrested six suspects believed to be involved in the smuggling attempt. Large quantities of drugs, weapons and cash were also seized.

Egyptian officials said their forces came under fire as they closed in on the suspects near the border town of Rafah. The smugglers apparently split into smaller groups as they retreated into the desert to avoid capture. Egyptian troops and police tracked them down using helicopters and ground vehicles.

A security source told local media that the six detainees confessed to planning to smuggle the narcotics over the border into Israel to sell to Bedouin traders. Egyptian authorities believe the armed smugglers are part of larger network transporting drugs from Sudan into Egypt’s restive North Sinai region, long considered a hub for regional smuggling activities.

Ongoing Efforts to Combat Sinai Smugglers

This latest border incident comes amid Egyptian efforts to crack down on criminal groups operating across Sinai. Egypt has been battling an Islamist insurgency in North Sinai for years, while also working with Israel to curb smuggling activities along their shared border.

Israeli officials estimate around 85% of illegal drugs and contraband flowing into Israel comes across the vast Sinai desert, usually transported by local Bedouin smugglers. To combat the problem, Egypt constructed a steel border fence along sections of the Sinai frontier from 2015-2018 with IDF assistance. But smuggling networks have adapted their tactics, often using heavier weaponry to defend large drug shipments.

Clashes between smugglers and security forces are common, but direct engagements between IDF troops and armed groups across the fortified Sinai border have been rare since Israel completed its own southern border barrier in 2013. Some analysts believe Sunday night’s brazen smuggling attempt is a sign that Egyptian counter-smuggling operations may be disrupting certain trafficking routes, forcing gangs to take greater risks. Still, the scale of the smuggling trade continues rising year-on-year despite increased efforts on both sides.

Year Value of drugs seized by Israel along Egyptian border
2021 $68 million
2022 $112 million
2023 $143 million

*Drug smuggling data via Israeli Anti-Drug Authority 2023 report *

Reactions and Outlook

The recent border violence elicited reactions from senior officials on both sides, underscoring how security coordination against Sinai smuggling networks remains an important part of Egyptian-Israeli relations.

In a statement published Monday, the IDF praised Egyptian forces for their “significant operational achievement” in apprehending the traffickers.

Likewise, a spokesperson for Egypt’s military hailed the “success and heroism” of security troops that confronted the armed group. He also reaffirmed Egypt’s “complete rejection of any threats to Egyptian or Israeli national security.”

Independent security analyst Haisam Hassanein noted the “increasingly sophisticated methods” used by North Sinai gangs, often involving the use of powerful vehicles and heavy weapons left over from conflicts in Libya and Gaza.

“No doubt [Egyptian president Abdel Fattah] El-Sisi will order further raids in the coming weeks to counter the heightened trafficking threat,” Hassanein said. “But based on the huge profits to be made selling drugs in Israel, the smuggling attempts will keep coming despite all efforts on the borders.”




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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