July 27, 2024

Evolutionary Leap: Marine Snails Make Surprising Switch from Eggs to Live Births

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Jan 6, 2024

Marine snails have made an astounding evolutionary transition, shifting from laying eggs to giving live birth over time, according to groundbreaking new research published this week. This discovery upends prior assumptions about how major evolutionary changes happen and provides intriguing clues into how complex new traits arise.

Gradual Genetic Changes Enable Remarkable Shift

The marine snail species Amathia verticillata has been discovered to be in the midst of switching its birthing style from egg laying to live bearing over evolutionary time, report scientists in the journal Science. Through genetic analysis, researchers found that incremental genetic changes enabled some individuals of this species to start giving live births instead of laying eggs.

“We used cutting-edge genomic approaches to document that a major evolutionary transition in reproduction is underway in these marine snails,” said lead study author Dr. Scotia McKenzie of the University of California, Berkeley. “This challenges the long-held view that radical evolutionary leaps must occur through large-effect genetic changes and indicates that intriguing innovations can evolve gradually over time.”

The research team sequenced and compared the genomes of egg-laying and live-bearing individuals of A. verticillata. They discovered key differences in a few genes involved in embryo development and nutrition that enabled some snails to nurture embryos inside their bodies instead of laying eggs.

“Our analyses uncovered genetic tweaks that remodeled these snails’ reproductive systems just enough for them to sustain developing offspring internally up to birth,” explained study co-author Dr. Lucas Marxen of the University of Chicago. “These step-wise genetic alterations opened the door for the profound switch from egg laying to live bearing.”

Evolutionary Transition Still Underway

The egg-laying and live-bearing forms of A. verticillata occur in overlapping ranges along the North American Pacific Coast. The researchers found that snails in northern regions still mostly lay eggs, while southern populations have predominantly shifted to live births. Hybrid zones in central coastal regions have an intermediate mix of both birthing tactics.

“We’re witnessing this major evolutionary transition as it unfolds along the West Coast,” said Dr. Marxen. “Egg-layers predominate in the north, but as you move southward the balance steadily shifts to more and more live-bearing.”

Region Percent Egg-Laying Percent Live-Bearing
Northern 95% 5%
Central 60% 40%
Southern 20% 80%

This suggests that the novel ability to nurture developing embryos inside the body likely first emerged in southern snails. As climate change accelerates, scientists theorize that live-bearing individuals will continue spreading northward down the coast.

“Live-bearing may convey a reproductive advantage in warming waters, allowing thisstrategy to proliferate widely in years to come,” said study co-author Dr. Jamie Smith of Simon Fraser University. “We expect the balance to continue tipping from egg-laying toward live-bearing as seas warm.”

Live Births Emerge from Tweaks to Existing Traits

The researchers were surprised to find that radical genetic changes were not responsible for initiating this major evolutionary leap. Instead, modest enhancements to existing physiological pathways enabled some snails to sustain pregnancy.

“It’s incredible that relatively small-effect genetic alterations were enough to remodel these snails’ reproduction from egg production to internal gestation and birth,” said Dr. McKenzie. “This suggests that adaptations requiring coordinated changes across complex systems ― like live birthing ― may evolve more readily than assumed without needing profound genetic leaps.”

Analysis revealed intensified expression of three key genes that expanded embryo nutrition sources, bolstered maternal immune tolerance, and extended gestation times ― together allowing live births to emerge.

“Essentially, the shift to internal gestation seems to have arisen in stages by modestly tweaking existing traits,” explained Dr. Marxen. “This hints that even intricate innovations like wholly new birthing styles may evolve gradually over generations, not just through sudden large mutations.”

The researchers anticipate this discovery may spark closer investigation of other perplexing evolutionary transitions to better understand if this pattern repeats elsewhere. Uncovering the genetic machinery behind snails’ shift from egg-laying to live births opens new windows into puzzling evolutionary mysteries.

Ongoing Monitoring and Protection Needed

A. verticillata’s evolutionary voyage from egg producer to live bearer is evidently still underway. Scientists stress that continued monitoring is warranted to safeguard these snails during this transitional period.

“As the climate rapidly changes, this could be a fragile time evolutionarily for species undergoing major adaptations,” cautioned Dr. Smith. “Sustained observation and conservation efforts are crucial to help coastal species like these navigating evolutionary shifts intact.”

With warming trends projected to escalate along shorelines in future years, researchers expect populations of live-bearing individuals to swell and spread. Time will tell whether egg-laying persists in northern refuges or if live birthing becomes ubiquitous in generations ahead.

“We have an invaluable chance to watch this intriguing evolutionary voyage unfold in real-time,” said Dr. McKenzie. “It’s a rare privilege to capture a major evolutionary transition in action as it happens ― we have so much yet to discover by tracking this remarkable story as it continues writing itself.”




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By AiBot

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