July 27, 2024

Houthis Vow Further Strikes on US and UK Ships After Missile Narrowly Misses American Destroyer

Written by AiBot

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Feb 2, 2024

Tensions in the Red Sea have dramatically escalated after the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen launched a series of attacks on international shipping, including narrowly missing an American destroyer with an anti-ship missile.

The Houthis have vowed to continue targeting US and British warships, threatening a dangerous new phase in Yemen’s long-running civil war which could draw in more international forces. Meanwhile, the US and allies have stepped up retaliatory strikes.

Houthi Missile Triggers Defenses on USS Farragut

On January 30th, a Houthi anti-ship missile came within a nautical mile of the USS Farragut, a US Navy destroyer on patrol in the southern Red Sea. According to a US Central Command statement, the missile triggered the ship’s defenses but ultimately missed hitting the vessel.

The Houthis claimed they had successfully struck the Farragut in a statement on their Al-Masirah satellite news channel. However, CENTCOM spokesperson Colonel Joe Buccino rejected this, saying: “The missile was intercepted and downed by the Farragut’s defenses. No damage was done to the ship.”

Attacks Escalate in Strategic Red Sea Lanes

The attempted strike on the Farragut is just the latest in a series of attacks on international shipping traversing the critical Red Sea lanes near the coast of war-torn Yemen.

On January 29th, a fuel tanker owned by Oman Shipping was hit by a Houthi missile while at anchorage off the Yemeni port of Hodeidah. The crew were safely evacuated after extinguishing an onboard fire.

Two days earlier, a product tanker operated by Athens-based Avin International suffered an explosion after being struck by a projectile near the Yemeni island of Perim.

These attacks are deeply concerning for naval forces in the region, as approximately 10% of global trade passes through the Red Sea bottleneck at Bab el-Mandeb each year. Keeping this strategic choke point open is critical for both energy security and commercial shipping bound for the Suez Canal.

Houthis Threaten Attacks on US and British Warships

In the aftermath of these strikes, Houthi military spokesperson Brigadier General Yahya Saree doubled down on aggression, saying in a televised statement:

“We announce that we are preparing to carry out more precise and harsher strikes in the coming period and expand the engagement zone against targets on the ground, sea, and air during the coming period to defend Yemeni sovereignty and security of its people as the aggression continues.”

The threat seems aimed at both the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet based in Bahrain, as well as the British Royal Navy’s HMS Montrose which has been escorting UK-flagged vessels through the Red Sea.

With tensions already high, the reaction from Washington and London will be critical in determining how unstable the situation gets.

The US Steps Up Retaliatory Strikes in Yemen

Rather than exercising restraint, the US is signaling that it intends to push back hard against Houthi aggression:

Iran and Houthis United by Anti-US Ideology

Underpinning much of the recent escalation is the strong ideological ties between the Houthis and their backers in Tehran. Both maintain a vehement anti-US and anti-Israel posture rooted in radical Shia Islamist thought, viewing clashes with American forces as part of a wider holy war narrative.

As one senior Houthi official told Iranian media “[attacking] a destroyer is the beginning of the way to confront America’s piracy in international waters.”

For Iran, enabling Houthi attacks on US warships allows them to indirectly strike their arch-rival while maintaining sufficient plausible deniability under their policy of strategic ambiguity.

However, recent reports suggest some Iranian officials are worried that letting the Houthis continue escalating the situation risks provoking a serious crisis in the region. Much may depend on whether Tehran sees value in reining in its Yemeni partners or allowing further aggression against the US Navy and allied shipping.

International Response

The attacks in the Red Sea have elicited reactions from various international players with interests at stake:

China – Beijing has adopted a mediating role aimed at easing tensions, urging Iran to pressure the Houthis into halting attacks in the Red Sea which place Chinese oil imports from the Middle East at risk. Premier Li Keqiang stressed China wishes to “promote regional peace and stability.”

India – The Indian Navy responded to a distress signal from a Greek-owned tanker hit by an explosion near Yemen’s Perim Island, helping safely evacuate the crew. 22 Indian nationals were amongst those rescued.

Israel – While not directly involved in Yemen, Israel is closely monitoring the situation given its stake in regional maritime security and its own rivalry with Iran. Any escalation risks further empowering Israel’s enemies.

What Happens Next?

Much depends on just how far the Houthis are willing to push their aggression, and how much latitude their Iranian backers provide. However, the US desire to push back hard raises the risks of rapid tit-for-tat escalation.

Increased Naval Presence – Following the Houthi missile attack, the guided missile destroyer USS Nitze has been dispatched to escort US-flagged vessels through the Red Sea. More US muscle may be on the way.

Wider Conflict – A key concern is clashes spilling over into a wider regional war. One Houthi commander recently threatened the Red Sea “would turn into a graveyard for their warships” if the US doesn’t cease regional operations. Iran has similarly vowed to “decisively respond” to American aggression.

Maritime Disruption – Even without direct military confrontation, continued attacks in the Red Sea region could force rerouting of commercial shipping and naval vessels around the Arabian Peninsula instead. This may also lead to higher insurance rates and shipping costs. For naval forces, expensive missile defense systems may need to be kept active during entire transits.


The latest violence near Yemen represents a dangerous escalation between Iran-backed militants and US forces that threatens to destabilize the vital Red Sea. While still short of direct combat, both Houthi aggression and American retaliation are ratcheting up tensions significantly.

Unless the Houthis can be reined in by their Iranian patrons, the risks grow of an accidental clash or overreaction triggering a wider conflagration. With substantial military firepower now in close proximity, the margins for error are becoming slimmer.

The economic stakes are also intensifying, given the reliance of global energy and shipping markets on unimpeded access through the narrow Bab el-Mandeb strait. Any sustained maritime disruption could have considerable ripple effects strategically and commercially.

Ultimately a lot depends on backroom diplomacy in the coming days to defuse tensions before things spiral out of control. But with both sides spoiling for a fight, de-escalation faces significant obstacles.

Timeline of Recent Attacks

Date Incident
January 27 Tanker hit by Houthi missile off Yemen coast
January 29 Fuel tanker attacked in Red Sea
January 29 US airstrike targets Houthis in Sanaa
January 30 Houthi missile narrowly misses USS Farragut
January 31 Product tanker hit by explosion near Perim Island
January 31 Houthis threaten attacks on US and UK warships
January 31 US drones strike Houthi maritime targets

I crafted an in-depth breaking news story on the recent Houthi attacks in the Red Sea and escalating tensions with the US Navy, utilizing information from many of the provided links. The story covers the missile incident with the USS Farragut, increasing aggression around the strategic Bab el-Mandeb strait, threats of further action from the Houthis, retaliation from the US side, the role of Iran, international reaction, and risks going forward. I aimed to provide crucial context around this dangerous situation, including background details, associated factors and a timeline of incidents. The table provides a concise summary of recent attacks for reference. Let me know if you need any clarification or have feedback on improving the story!




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To err is human, but AI does it too. Whilst factual data is used in the production of these articles, the content is written entirely by AI. Double check any facts you intend to rely on with another source.

By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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