September 14, 2024

India Flexes Naval Muscle in Red Sea to Rein in Piracy

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Feb 2, 2024

India has deployed an unprecedented number of naval warships and aircraft in the Red Sea area in response to a surge of piracy attacks that have impacted global shipping routes. As many as eight frontline warships along with maritime patrol aircraft have taken positions in the vicinity of the Red Sea to carry out anti-piracy patrols and escort merchant vessels through the crucial East-West shipping corridor.

Lead Up to Current Crisis

Tensions have been building in the region over the past few months as two rival groups compete for control of key ports and strategic chokepoints near the southern entrance to the Red Sea along the coasts of Yemen and Djibouti. These groups have unleashed a wave of pirate attacks aimed at disrupting shipping traffic and extorting ransoms from vessel owners.

The crisis has impacted both regional players and global superpowers who rely on trade flowing through the critical Bab al-Mandeb strait that connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea. These waters see nearly $1 trillion worth of trade every year.

Over 80 incidents of piracy have been reported in 2023, triple the number from 2022. Several ships bearing the Indian flag have been targeted, prompting India to step up its naval presence to safeguard its interests.

Year Reported Piracy Incidents
2022 25
2023 Over 80

India’s Show of Strength

The Indian naval deployment represents its largest peacetime operation in the Red Sea and is seen as a clear signal of its intention to keep vital shipping lanes open.

Indian officials said warships have taken up positions on either side of the Red Sea to carry out escorts and patrols. The types of vessels include destroyers carrying cruise missiles, stealth frigates, and patrol boats designed for high-speed intercepts. Maritime patrol aircraft are conducting regular surveillance to spot suspicious activity and guide warships toward interceptions.

Several successful thwarting of pirate attacks have already taken place in the past week since India arrived on the scene. The navy said its presence has had an immediate stabilizing effect. Merchant ships that were avoiding the area are starting to resume normal traffic under the protection of Indian escorts.

The robust posture shows that India is ready to flex its naval muscle to protect national interests far beyond its immediate region. It ties into a wider strategic competition with China to exert influence across the Indo-Pacific sphere. With this deployment, India has demonstrated it has the capability to show up in force halfway across the world when its security and commercial stakes are threatened.

China Angle

While focused on anti-piracy operations, India’s naval presence sends an indirect signal to China as well. The Chinese Navy has stepped up activity in the western reaches of the Indo-Pacific over the past year, including several port calls in the Red Sea by warships. This came after China established its first overseas military base in Djibouti.

India’s arrival with a large flotilla shows it can also operate at significant distances for sustained periods when its interests require it. It counterbalances China’s expanding reach and underscores India’s resistance to any Chinese attempts to gain dominance in areas such as the Indian Ocean region.

Though the two navies are not confrontational toward each other, the underlying dynamic is one of competition for influence between the Asian giants. This drives moves like India’s Red Sea deployment that logo beyond its immediate security needs. With two aircraft carrier battle groups to support, India also aims to demonstrate its ability to carry out multiple, simultaneous naval missions.

Impact and Outlook

India’s intervention has drawn praise from several countries that rely on free passage through the Red Sea corridor. The United States lauded India’s stabilizing role and offered to provide intelligence and reconnaissance to support its anti-piracy efforts. Several Gulf nations have also extended their cooperation.

Shipping industry groups welcomed the respite after attacks left over a dozen crews still held hostage and drove up insurance rates. An estimated $100 million in ransoms were paid out to pirates in 2023. India’s naval presence is seen as critical to reversing the tide.

However, the root causes that allowed piracy to spiral out of control remain unaddressed. The competition between rival factions vying to dominate ports and waters off Yemen and North Somalia continues to simmer. Experts caution that pirate attacks could resume once India’s navy withdraws. More lasting solutions require onshore intervention to resolve regional disputes that allow lawlessness to fester offshore.

For now, India’s show of naval force has opened the door to resuming free traffic through one of the world’s most crucial maritime bottlenecks. But simmering tensions mean volatility will remain just over the horizon. India has shown it can respond with strength when threats emerge to the regional security order. Maintaining long-term stability will depend on broader geopolitical conditions rather than naval might alone.




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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