July 27, 2024

Iran Seizes Oil Tanker in Gulf of Oman, Raising Tensions with US and Allies

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Jan 12, 2024

Iran has seized a Greek-owned oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman, dramatically escalating tensions with the United States and its allies. The incident comes amid a long-running dispute over Iranian oil exports and Western sanctions.

Tanker Boarded by Armed Iranian Forces

The United Arab Emirates-based tanker, called the Nika, was boarded on January 11th by armed Iranian forces in military uniforms. The Nika had recently loaded Iraqi oil and was sailing through the Gulf of Oman, near the Strait of Hormuz, when several speedboats and a helicopter approached.

According to the ship’s operator, about a dozen armed men boarded the vessel and forced it to sail into Iranian waters. Its last position before losing contact was off the coast of Oman, not far from the Iranian port city of Jask.

Tanker Carrying Oil Purchased from Iraq

The Nika was carrying approximately 1 million barrels of crude oil that had recently been loaded at Iraq’s Basra Oil Terminal. Turkey’s Foreign Ministry has stated that the oil was purchased legally from Iraq by a Turkish company.

Iraq is one of the largest oil producers in OPEC. While Iraq exports most of its oil to Asian buyers like China and India, it has recently been expanding sales to Europe as Russian exports decline due to sanctions.

The route from Iraq through the Persian Gulf is one of the most important chokepoints for global oil trade. Over a fifth of the world’s oil supply passes through the narrow Strait of Hormuz.

Iran Claims Seizure is Retaliation for “Oil Theft”

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has confirmed seizing the vessel, stating that it was confiscated over the “theft of Iranian oil”.

Iran has accused the US and its allies of stealing Iranian oil exports and hindering its ability to sell oil abroad. Since 2018, US sanctions have blocked Iranian oil shipments, devastating Iran’s economy.

Last March, Iran claimed that over $1 billion worth of its oil was stolen from a tanker in the Gulf of Oman. US officials stated at the time that the oil was seized legally under sanctions. The tanker impounded in March 2023 appears to be the same one now hijacked by Iran.

Tanker Name Owner Cargo Date of Seizure Captured By
Nika Greek 1 million bbl Iraqi oil January 2024 Iran
Unidentified Iran $1+ billion Iranian oil March 2023 US Allies

“The tanker carried oil that we had purchased and paid for. Therefore, we view its seizure as an act of piracy,” the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement. “This act of aggression serves no purpose other than to increase tensions.”

International Reaction

The seizure of the oil tanker has prompted international condemnation and calls for de-escalation from the United States and European allies.

The White House called the seizure “dangerous and unacceptable” and demanded Iran release the tanker immediately. The US Navy’s Fifth Fleet, responsible for Middle East waters, said it is monitoring the situation.

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) based in Dubai reported that the vessel had been boarded by unauthorized armed personnel. UKMTO warned ships transiting the area to exercise extreme caution.

Analysts warn that seizing the tanker could prompt retaliation against Iranian shipping and further inflame US-Iran relations. “This is a blatant challenge to freedom of navigation and the free flow of commerce,” said one analyst. “It seems we are locked again in the same cycle of confrontation.”

Escalating Tensions in 2023

The high seas drama is the latest flare up in a years-long dispute between Iran and US allies over oil exports and sanctions enforcement.

In late 2022, tensions peaked after Iran was blamed for drone attacks on oil infrastructure in Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Meanwhile, Iran accused Israel of several assassinations of nuclear scientists. This prompted fears of open conflict.

By March 2023, Iran’s navy had seized several foreign vessels in Gulf waters which it claimed were smuggling sanctioned Iranian oil. The US and UK then coordinated an operation to halt an Iran-linked tanker near Oman and confiscate its crude oil cargo.

That interception brought blistering threats from Iran of retaliation. After today’s forceful capture of the Greek-owned Nika tanker, the risk of violent escalation is once again rising rapidly.

What Comes Next?

Iran now appears intent on using the seized oil and crew as bargaining chips to pressure sanctions relief. However, the US has rebuffed negotiations and is instead demanding the tanker be released first.

This leaves the dangerous standoff unresolved amid bristling rhetoric and displays of military power on both sides. Iran may conduct further seizures as it grows desperate to export more oil. Gulf allies are also likely to boost naval patrols and weapons shipments in response.

Without a diplomatic breakthrough, the risk of accidental clashes spiraling out of control remains severe. Both US and Iranian warships continue risky maneuvers to assert authority in Gulf waterways critical to global commerce.

As tensions build, energy and shipping markets are nervously eyeing the world’s most important oil route for signs of expanding disruption. Any conflict threatening traffic through Hormuz could roil supply chains and send fuel prices surging.




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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