July 27, 2024

Nintendo Switch 2 Reportedly Launching in September 2024

Written by AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

Jan 12, 2024

Multiple sources this week have hinted at a potential September 2024 release window for the highly anticipated Nintendo Switch 2 console. While Nintendo has yet to officially confirm the successor to its incredibly popular Switch console, mounting evidence suggests the next-generation system could arrive sooner than expected.

AI Company Briefly Claims September 2024 Launch

The first indication of a fall 2024 launch came from an unlikely source – AI software company Altec Lansing. In a January 11th press release, Altec Lansing stated:

“We are excited to announce that we anticipate a September 2024 release of the next generation GameShark device to coincide with the launch of the Nintendo Switch 2 gaming device.”

GameShark was a popular video game cheat code device back in the 1990s. Altec Lansing recently acquired the GameShark name and plans to launch a new AI-powered cheat code platform.

The company later backtracked, admitting “we’re not privy to Nintendo’s plans” and that the September 2024 date was just an estimate. However, analysts believe Altec Lansing may have accidentally revealed inside information about Nintendo’s timeline.

Additional Hints Point to 2024 Launch

Even before the Altec Lansing leak, rumors had been building that Nintendo would launch the Switch 2 sometime in 2024.

Early in January, investment firm Ace Research Institute predicted:

“We think Nintendo will launch the Switch 2 in 2024 and expect it to be a popular full-upgrade from the original.”

Other reports this month also reinforced the likelihood of a 2024 release:

  • Bloomberg’s Takashi Mochizuki stated supply chain sources indicated production on parts was ramping up for a new Nintendo console.

  • MST Financial’s David Gibson similarly noted Nintendo supply chain checks were suggesting preparation for a next-gen Switch.

So while unconfirmed, signs continue mounting that Nintendo’s long-awaited next console could arrive within the next year.

Enhanced Performance Expected

Although Nintendo has shared few details about its next console, expectations are high that the Switch 2 will offer significantly upgraded performance over the original Switch released in 2017.

Rumored updates include:

  • Streamlined smaller design
  • OLED 720p or 1080p display
  • Power efficiency chip
  • Nvidia DLSS graphics
  • 8GB of RAM
  • 120Hz display refresh rate
  • 4K video output
  • Improved battery life
  • Backwards compatibility with original Switch games

With more powerful hardware, the Switch 2 is positioned to support modern gaming effects like ray tracing and likely run games at up to 4K resolution while connected to a TV.

Kantan Games CEO Serkan Toto summarized the expected spec improvements:

“The new Switch is positioned to remain baseline at full-HD resolution with a 60-Hz refresh rate while docked and power efficiency improvements for handheld play…Nvidia’s DLSS and up to 4K video output when docked should placate early adopters and core gamers in the Switch community.”

Strong First Party Game Lineup

While the Switch 2 will likely get all the big third party franchises like Call of Duty, Assassin’s Creed, Elder Scrolls etc, Nintendo’s own first party game lineup is shaping up to make the console a must-have system.

Long-time Nintendo developer Shigeru Miyamoto hinted that several new Mario projects were in the works, likely for the Switch 2:

“We’ve been working on a number of new Mario projects for awhile now.”

Additionally, reports indicate Nintendo’s top studios like Monolith Soft (Xenoblade Chronicles 3) and Retro Studios (Metroid Prime 4) have been staffing up to have major Switch 2 launch titles ready. And evergreen franchises like Pokemon and Splatoon are certain to get updated next-gen sequels or ports as well.

So between third party AAA games and a stacked first party lineup, the Switch 2 software library will give gamers ample reason to upgrade from current gen.

Pricing and Other Questions

If the Switch 2 does end up hitting shelves in September 2024 as hinted, many questions still remain unanswered:

  • Pricing – the original Switch launched at $299, but with updated internals the new model could easily cost $399 based on rumors
  • Supply issues – global chip shortages caused by factors like the pandemic could limit supply of the new console
  • Naming – will it actually be called Switch 2, or something like New Nintendo Switch or Super Nintendo Switch?
  • Future of original Switch – will the current Switch model be discontinued? Could it remain in production as a lower cost option?

In the coming months as an official announcement nears, the full details on these Switch 2 unknowns will come into focus.

First Party Game Launch Timeline

Major first party franchise releases that could accompany the Switch 2 launch window:

Game Franchise Estimated Release
Super Mario Bros Q3 2024
Metroid Prime 4 Q4 2024 or Q1 2025
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Q4 2024
Xenoblade Chronicles 4 Q1 2025
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet sequels 2025

In the lead up to the system’s launch, an impressive software library is clearly taking shape for the Switch’s successor.

What This Means for Nintendo

The timing of a new Nintendo console arriving in late 2024 seems carefully calculated. The Switch is coming off a recent record-breaking holiday season, having now sold over 122 million units globally.

Yet rival Sony just launched the technologically advanced PS5 while Microsoft keeps expanding its Xbox cloud gaming ecosystem. A refreshed and more powerful Switch in 2024 allows Nintendo to defend its momentum against these challengers.

Most forecasts expect another 50-60 million Switch consoles could still be sold over its remaining lifecycle into 2025-2026. Nintendo can slot a Switch 2 launch toward the tail end of that demand curve, enticing owners to upgrade while avoiding cannibalizing Switch 1 sales.

Additionally, the components supply chain issues plaguing the industry may finally stabilize by 2024. So in many ways, September 2024 seems an optimal launch alignment for Nintendo’s next console.

What’s Next?

While the leaked September release merits attention, Nintendo still has not uttered a peep about anySwitch 2 plans.

Most analysts think an official reveal will happen mid-2024 at either a dedicated Direct livestream or during E3 2023. This public confirmation would likely include launch details like pricing plus hands-on demos for major launch games.

In the interim, hints will continue trickling out as production ramps up through 2023. Supply chain leaks, developer recruitment ads, and inadvertent partner disclosures could all offer further glimpses about Nintendo’s progress.

So the picture on the Switch 2 should come into finer focus throughout 2023 and early 2024 ahead of a fall launch. While gamers may need to wait another 20 months, the next generation of Nintendo console gaming seems poised to deliver a significant leap over the original groundbreaking Switch. Strap in for what promises to be an exciting rollout heading into 2024!




AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

To err is human, but AI does it too. Whilst factual data is used in the production of these articles, the content is written entirely by AI. Double check any facts you intend to rely on with another source.

By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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