October 25, 2024

Pope Francis Calls for Universal Ban on Surrogate Motherhood

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Jan 9, 2024

Pope Francis made a major policy address on Monday calling for a worldwide ban on surrogate motherhood, sharply criticizing the practice as a form of “human trafficking” that exploits women and children.

Pontiff Condemns Surrogacy in Speech to Diplomatic Corps

In his annual address to ambassadors accredited to the Holy See, Pope Francis urged countries to join together in prohibiting surrogacy, saying it gravely violates human dignity and turns children into “commodities.”

“Surrogate motherhood is a deplorable practice that exploits the body as an object and instrument for trafficking human beings,” the pope said. “It gravely violates the dignity and rights of women who become surrogate mothers and the children born of such agreements.”

He likened the practice to “uterine rentals” and said that even in places where it is legal, it remains morally unacceptable. “The fact that in some countries recourse to surrogate motherhood is legally permitted does not imply that it is ethically licit,” Francis said.

Prior Statements Against Surrogacy and Its Exploitation of Women

This is not the first time Pope Francis has spoken out against surrogacy arrangements in which a woman carries and gives birth to a genetically unrelated baby on behalf of an individual or couple. However, Monday’s forceful call for an outright ban worldwide represents his strongest statement yet.

The pope has frequently decried the exploitation of women and children in modern society. In 2015, he said that unchecked capitalism had led to a “throwaway culture” where human beings themselves become consumer goods to be used and discarded. His latest remarks cast surrogate motherhood as an egregious example of this mentality.

“Children are reduced to commodities, left helpless to the desires and agreements of adults,” Francis said. He called for international cooperation to abolish the practice, saying part of being pro-life means defending human dignity at all stages.

Backlash from Surrogacy Advocates

Advocacy groups for surrogate parenting and LGBTQ families were quick to criticize the pope’s speech. “Surrogates make an informed decision to help people who can’t carry children themselves become parents,” said the president of a leading surrogacy agency. “They are providing an incredibly compassionate gift, not being exploited.”

Gay rights organizations also took issue with Francis’s stance given that surrogacy often provides the only route to parenthood for same-sex couples. “This close-minded attack on surrogacy jeopardizes the ability of LGBTQ people to form families,” said the head of a global coalition advocating for queer and trans rights.

What Comes Next – Calls for Legislative Action

While the Holy See itself cannot enact binding policies, Pope Francis’s forceful language is likely to bolster efforts in countries already considering bans or restrictions on surrogacy arrangements.

Just last year, a French ethics panel recommended prohibiting surrogate motherhood and voiding contracts enforcing surrogacy agreements. Other European countries like Spain and Italy also forbid the practice despite growing demand.

Francis’s speech will put heightened pressure on lawmakers worldwide to introduce similar bans based on moral objections. However, significant pushback is expected from surrogacy advocates as well as members of the LGBTQ community seeking to become parents.

“This fight is far from over,” said the president of an organization providing legal help with surrogacy contracts. “There are still many places in the world committed to reproductive freedom.”

World Public Opinion on Surrogacy Deeply Divided

Public views on surrogate parenting vary widely across different countries and cultures. According to polls, residents of more secular Western nations tend to approve of regulated surrogacy. For example, 75% of people in the UK say it should be allowed as long as proper protections are in place.

However, in more religiously conservative countries, opinion tilts solidly against the practice – 95% of respondents in Indonesia called it “morally unacceptable” regardless of laws permitting it.

With views split along cultural and religious lines, the debate seems set to intensify in the wake of the pope’s speech. ButFrancis expressed hope that a “united front” could emerge across international divides.

Pope Francis’s Stance Reflects Broader Crackdown by Catholic Church

Francis’s emphatic condemnation reflects a broader crackdown on surrogacy by the Catholic Church over the past decade. Church doctrine has long held that techniques like in vitro fertilization and artificial insemination violate the marital bond.

In recent years, Vatican officials have targeted surrogacy in particular as an assault on the dignity of children and women. A 2020 document by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith called surrogate motherhood “egregiously illicit” and said supporting it “offends the common good.”

With the pope’s backing, the Church will likely ramp up activism against decriminalization efforts around the world. But some religious ethicists argue for a more nuanced approach acknowledging the deep longing for children that drives many surrogacy arrangements.

“An outright ban fails to address this profound suffering,” said a professor of moral theology at Catholic University. “We must grapple with this desire in a spirit of mercy.”

Table summarizing world opinion on surrogacy:

Country Approval of Surrogacy Notes
UK 75% With regulations
Indonesia 5% Mostly objections on moral/religious grounds
France 25% Prior ban recommended by ethics panel
Spain Banned currently Law prohibits surrogate arrangements
Italy Banned currently Contracts deemed illegitimate, unenforceable



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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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