September 12, 2024

Teen Athlete in Coma After Untreated UTI Leads to Septic Shock

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Jan 12, 2024


18-year-old Katie Sullivan, a freshman softball player and gymnast at Waynesburg University in Pennsylvania, was recently placed in a medically induced coma after an untreated urinary tract infection (UTI) progressed to urosepsis and septic shock.

Sullivan first started experiencing UTI symptoms in November 2023 but dismissed them as normal soreness from athletic activity. As the infection worsened, she became fatigued and struggled through final exams. Right before leaving for Christmas break, Sullivan collapsed and was rushed to the hospital.

Doctors found that the untreated UTI had spread to her kidneys and entered her bloodstream, causing her body to go into septic shock. To give her body a chance to rest and recover, medical staff placed Sullivan in a medically induced coma.

As of January 2024, Sullivan remains hospitalized in critical but stable condition. Her case highlights the serious dangers of leaving UTIs untreated as well as the need for education around this common health issue.

Katie Sullivan’s Background

Katie Sullivan is a promising young athlete from Pennsylvania. She was active in gymnastics and softball in high school and received a scholarship to play softball at Waynesburg University.

Teammates and coaches describe Sullivan as hardworking, uplifting, and dedicated. She maintained a busy schedule between softball practice and matches, gymnastics training, and her biology coursework.

By all accounts, Sullivan seemed happy and healthy up until late November 2023 when she first started feeling ill.

Onset of Infection

In November 2023, Sullivan began experiencing pain and frequent urination. As a busy student athlete, she assumed these were normal symptoms caused by her packed schedule and physical activity.

However, as days passed, the pain intensified and Sullivan grew extremely fatigued. She began taking over the counter pain medications to get through final exams. Her symptoms continued to worsen.

The week before Christmas break, Sullivan collapsed on campus and was transported by ambulance to the hospital. At this point, doctors realized she was suffering from urosepsis – a dangerous blood infection caused by an untreated UTI.

UTI Complications

UTIs are one of the most common bacterial infections. They occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract and multiply, usually in the bladder. Symptoms include:

  • Frequent and painful urination
  • Cloudy, bloody, or foul-smelling urine
  • Pressure and cramping in the pelvis or back

While uncomfortable, most UTIs are easily treatable with antibiotics. However, left untreated, they can progress to more serious conditions:

Kidney Infection

Bacteria may travel from the bladder up to the kidneys, causing flank pain, fever, nausea, and vomiting. Kidney infections can permanently damage these organs.


If bacteria enters the bloodstream, the infection can trigger an inflammatory immune response called sepsis. Sepsis can lead to organ failure and death if not treated promptly.

Sullivan was diagnosed with urosepsis, meaning her UTI had spread via the urinary tract to her kidneys and entered her blood, causing her to go into septic shock.

Septic Shock

When Sullivan arrived at the hospital in December, doctors found she was suffering from septic shock. This is an advanced stage of sepsis that results in extremely low blood pressure and blocked blood flow.

In septic shock, decreased blood flow causes vital organs to fail. Between one-third and one-half of patients in septic shock do not survive.

To give her body the best chance at recovery, medical staff placed Sullivan in a medically induced coma. This allowed her vital organs to rest while receiving IV fluids and antibiotics to fight the infection.

Sullivan’s Ongoing Recovery

As of January 2024, Sullivan remains hospitalized three weeks after being placed in an induced coma. She has undergone dialysis and several blood transfusions.

While still in critical condition, there are hopeful signs in Sullivan’s recovery:

  • She has been brought out of the medically induced coma
  • She is breathing on her own without mechanical ventilation
  • She has been moving her legs and communicating through eye contact
  • Her kidney function is improving with dialysis

Her family says Sullivan still has a long road ahead but they are filled with gratitude for the community’s prayers and support.

Doctors also credit Sullivan’s youth and excellent physical fitness for her ability to fight such a dangerous infection. Continued recovery will depend on her response to ongoing treatment.

Raising Awareness of UTI Risks

While rare in healthy teenagers, Sullivan’s case is raising awareness around the severity of untreated UTIs.

Especially for women and girls, UTIs require prompt medical care. The infection can quickly travel to the kidneys and bloodstream if antibiotics are not started immediately.

Advocates are speaking out to educate girls and young women on recognizing UTI symptoms and urgently communicating with parents and doctors when they occur. Identifying an infection in its early stages can prevent progression to kidney damage, sepsis, and septic shock.

Looking Ahead

The Sullivan family and Waynesburg University community remain hopeful about Katie Sullivan’s recovery. Her youth, physical fitness, and access to quality healthcare are all advantages in her ongoing fight against the infection.

Still, the road ahead holds many uncertainties. Doctors are unsure if she may require additional dialysis or organ support. She will need significant physical therapy and rehabilitation once stable enough to be discharged from intensive care.

The family continues to ask for thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Sullivan’s case stands as a stark reminder for young women to seek prompt treatment at the first signs of a UTI. Identifying infection early is critical before permanent damage or sepsis occurs.

Awareness raised around Sullivan’s story can hopefully prevent other young, healthy women from facing such tragic consequences from a highly treatable infection.




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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