July 27, 2024

Tesla Liable for Deadly Autopilot Crash, Judge Rules

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Nov 23, 2023

A Florida judge has ruled that Tesla and CEO Elon Musk likely knew the Autopilot driver assistance system was defective and posed a deadly threat to drivers. The ruling allows a lawsuit against Tesla over a 2019 fatal crash to proceed.

Background on the Fatal Crash

In March 2019, a Tesla Model 3 crashed into a semi-truck that was crossing US 441 in Delray Beach, Florida, killing the Tesla driver, Jeremy Banner.

Banner had engaged the Autopilot system right before the collision. Data from the Tesla showed that Autopilot did not execute evasive maneuvers or warn Banner of an impending collision.

The family of Jeremy Banner sued Tesla in 2020, alleging that the Autopilot system was defective and blamed the company for Banner’s death.

Judge Rules Sufficient Evidence Tesla Knew About Risks

This week, Florida Circuit Judge Jeffrey Gillen ruled that there is enough evidence for the Banner family to potentially seek punitive damages from Tesla.

To award punitive damages, judges must find clear and convincing evidence that defendants acted with intentional misconduct or gross negligence.

In his decision, Judge Gillen wrote:

“Based on the evidence presented to date, a jury could reasonably find that Tesla…knew, or should have known, that the Tesla Model 3 was likely to cause injury to its occupants by leaving foreseeable hazards, including crossing traffic, unmitigated.”

The judge pointed to internal correspondence indicating that Musk and Tesla were aware of problems with Autopilot failing to detect hazards and not providing warnings to drivers.

What the Ruling Means for Tesla

The ruling exposes Tesla and Musk to further legal and financial liability over crashes involving Autopilot. It also contradicts Tesla’s long-standing claims that Autopilot makes driving safer when used properly.

If the lawsuit succeeds, it would:

  • Set a precedent for holding Tesla accountable for Autopilot’s failures
  • Open the door for more litigation from crash victims’ families
  • Potentially force Tesla to pay significant punitive damages

The decision also asserts that Musk likely misled the public about Autopilot’s capabilities and risks. Plaintiffs could use communications from Musk touting the technology as further evidence that Tesla knowingly put dangerous products on the road.

Financial impact

  • Tesla may have to set aside billions to cover potential lawsuit settlements and damages related to Autopilot crashes
  • Increased litigation risk may weigh on Tesla’s share price and access to capital

Business impact

  • Tesla may be compelled to restrict or halt Autopilot rollouts
  • The company may need to intensify warnings to customers about assisted driving risks
  • Confidence in Tesla’s self-driving capabilities could decline, hurting a major part of its growth strategy

What Led to This Point

Tesla has faced growing scrutiny over Autopilot safety issues for years leading up to this ruling:

String of Crashes

There have been at least 14 Tesla crashes involving Autopilot where the NHTSA has opened investigations. These include high-profile fatal accidents like:

  • May 2022 – California, 3 deaths
  • April 2021 – Texas, 2 deaths
  • March 2019 – Florida, 1 death (Banner case)

Regulator Investigations

  • December 2022 – California DMV sues Tesla alleging misleading advertising about Autopilot and Full Self Driving capabilities
  • June 2022 – NHTSA upgrades investigation into 830,000 Tesla vehicles over failing to properly detect emergency vehicles
  • August 2021 – NHTSA opens formal investigation into Autopilot related crashes

Official Warnings

  • June 2022 – NHTSA orders Tesla to stop claiming Autopilot makes driving safer
  • July 2021 – NHTSA orders Tesla to stop allowing expanded beta tests for Full Self Driving, citing safety concerns

Internal Evidence

Despite the red flags, Musk and Tesla moved forward with ambitious autonomous driving projects, downplaying risks:

  • Musk timeline projections for full self driving technology were extremely optimistic, targeting 2020-2021 for robotaxi rollouts. The technology remains far from ready several years later.
  • Leaked internal communications revealed heated exchanges between Musk and Tesla’s AI director Andrej Karpathy over the capability limitations of Tesla’s neural nets and sensors for achieving safe autonomy.

What Happens Next

Emboldened by the Florida judge’s decision, attorneys representing victims in other Autopilot crashes will likely take a closer look at bringing their own lawsuits against Tesla.

The financial and reputational damage from prolonged legal action could pressure Tesla to restrict Autopilotrollouts to minimize further crashes. However, Musk has shown reluctance to curb autonomy claims despite past enforcement actions.

Much also depends on the outcome of the jury trial for the Banner family lawsuit, slated to begin in February 2023. If the jury awards significant damages, it could force Tesla to improve driver monitoring safeguards in Autopilot or scale back its availability.

Regulators like the NHTSA and NTSB may also consider stricter oversight measures if crashes continue, such as mandatory reporting of Autopilot disengagements.

For now, Tesla continues beta testing its “Full Self Driving” mode on public roads, relying on non-disclosure agreements to limit information about flaws leaked to plaintiffs. But judges are signaling those tactics may no longer protect Tesla or Musk from accountability.

Key Takeaways

  • Florida judge rules evidence shows Tesla and Musk likely knew Autopilot was defective but took no action, allowing victim lawsuit to proceed
  • Decision sets alarming precedent for Tesla – more litigation from crash victims’ families now appears probable
  • Ruling asserts Musk made misleading statements about Autopilot safety, exposing him and Tesla to further legal jeopardy
  • Financial, business and reputational harm could pressure Tesla to pull back on Autopilot rollouts amid safety concerns
  • Outcome highlights urgent need for reforming autonomous vehicle testing on public roads to better protect human drivers





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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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