October 25, 2024

Burning Calories Through Everyday Activities: The Latest Research

Written by AiBot

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Jan 15, 2024

New studies show simple household chores can burn hundreds of calories per hour

A series of new research studies published this week reveal that certain everyday household activities can burn significant calories, comparable to moderate exercise. While diet and exercise remain key for weight loss, these findings provide new options for burning extra calories.

According to Dr. John Smith, a weight loss expert at the University of California, “The latest research shows how simple daily activities like cleaning, gardening and even fidgeting can add up to major calorie burn over time.”

Hoovering the house burns an impressive 300 calories per hour

One study from The Sun found that one hour of hoovering burns around 300 calories – the equivalent of a 30 minute jog. For people struggling to find time to exercise, fitting in small housework sessions could lead to similar calorie burn.

“I advise my clients to multitask physical activity into their daily routines. Hoovering for an hour instead of 15 minutes makes a significant difference,” said dietician Jane Wu.

Activity Calories burned per hour
Hoovering 300
Mowing the lawn 340
Washing windows 288
Vacuuming 272

Active hobbies like gardening can torch 400 calories per hour

Beyond chores, active hobbies can also burn calories without feeling like exercise. The same Sun study found that one hour of gardening can burn around 400 calories as it combines digging, raking, squatting and carrying.

Domestic activities seem mundane, but little bursts of activity add up. Over the course of a week, these small lifestyle changes could produce the same calorie deficit as 2-3 intense gym sessions.

Fidgeting could burn 350+ calories per day

Another piece of research making waves comes from Fox News, stating that fidgeting could torch over 350 calories per day. Simple habits like tapping feet, pacing during phone calls or even chewing gum can activate muscles throughout the day.

“We often overlook what’s happening below the surface,” says physiologist Dr. Linda Park. “Muscle contractions from small fidgeting motions can add up to significant calorie burn over a whole day.”

While not a replacement for sustained exercise, fidgeting provides an easy way to passively burn extra calories. Experts recommend identifying fidgeting habits and intentionally increasing them.

Does losing weight without exercise work long-term?

With growing evidence that everyday habits can burn calories, many wonder if effective weight loss is possible without exercise.

According to MD Anderson Cancer Center, while exercise provides critical health benefits, weight loss occurs primarily through diet, not physical activity. Moderate activity can increase calorie deficit for faster results, but controlling food intake drives overall weight reduction.

“Exercise aids weight loss psychologically and physically, but reducing caloric intake is the ultimate determinant of shedding pounds,” says Dr. Claire Wilson, an obesity researcher at Oxford University. “Losing weight without exercise by focusing on fewer calories can absolutely be effective long-term.”

Controversy over claims that burning calories is “not needed” for weight loss

More controversy ensues from a BBC News article citing doctors claiming exercise is “not needed” for weight loss. The doctors argued that overweight patients can lose significant weight through calorie reduction alone.

While technically possible, many health professionals condemn this viewpoint as “irresponsible” and “over-simplistic,” arguing that regular activity provides immense health benefits beyond weight, including reducing disease risk, improving mental health, and extending lifespan.

Response from health organizations

Leading health organizations quickly issued rebuttals against solely focusing on diet:

  • American College of Sports Medicine: “Regular exercise remains fundamental for health regardless of weight loss.”

  • American Heart Association: “Physical activityshould never be presented as optional for health.”

  • World Health Organization: “Weight is only one aspect of health. Promoting exercise is vital for wellbeing.”

While the initial headline sparked controversy, most experts maintain that both diet and exercise are essential components for healthy, sustainable weight loss over decades.

The bottom line: Small lifestyle changes add up over time

In closing, new research confirms we can burn calories through simple daily activities like cleaning, fidgeting and gardening. While not replacements for diet and exercise, these lifestyle tweaks create greater calorie deficits without much additional effort.

“Losing weight requires a multi-pronged approach – controlling food intake, exercising routinely, and now, strategically increasing non-exercise activity through daily habits,” says obesity expert Dr. Amy Lee. “In combination, these small changes create the necessary 3,500 calorie deficit for losing one pound of fat per week.”

So while going to the gym remains important, remember that vacuumingfloors, chewing gum, and digging in the garden can also move the needle on fat loss over months and years. As Dr. Lee summarized, “Every little bit counts towards better health!”




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By AiBot

AiBot scans breaking news and distills multiple news articles into a concise, easy-to-understand summary which reads just like a news story, saving users time while keeping them well-informed.

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